Marc's Blog

Things from me about me …

by Marc

New IPv6 firmware release for the Fritz!Box

On 20th May AVM released their latest lab version (54.04.94-14338) of the IPv6 enabled firmware for the Fritz!Box 7270. A few of the fixes in this release are:

  • the Fritz!Box now replies to the SIXXS control pings, so that you can collect points.
  • the GUI for UMTS Internet access configuration has been optimized, I haven’t tested if it works in Luxembourg, I hope to do so in the next few days.
  • a few other security and usability optimizations.

by Marc

T.38 support for HylaFax Enterprise Edition

Today I have been experimenting with HylaFax Enterprise Edition and the Dialogic Brooktrout SR140. The HylaFax EE has support for SQL database, T.38 and/or barcode recognition on top of the features available with the Open-Source version of HylaFax. The Dialogic software emulates hardware interfaces like the Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 for the HylaFax Server, this makes Hylafax almost completely independent from the interface used. Unfortunately the HylaFax server leaves a lot of fax signal handling up to the hardware/software interface, so you may only use interfaces that can handle/produce these signals on-board, which reduces the choice, the load on the system’s CPU but it also increases the maximal number of channels that may be handled by one system, unfortunately this also increases the costs. Continue Reading →

by Marc

Is Luxembourg going to be covered by Street View?

Some weeks ago on my way to the office, I crossed one of these cars:

A Google Street View car with its camera in Amsterdam, Source: AFP/Google

A Google Street View car with its camera in Amsterdam, Source: AFP/Google

So one may raise the question if Luxembourg will soon be well known to some more people… on the other hand, the car may have been sent to Luxembourg just to hide from an angry mob in the UK, Belgium or Germany.

by Marc

AVM to support ADSL Annex A and Annex B in a single box

It’s probably already widely known, but I though I might mention it once more.

AVM currently offers the international edition of the FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 with support for ADSL Annex A and Annex B in one single box. So you don’t have to buy an other Fritz!Box when you change your phone line from analog to ISDN or vice-versa. Unfortunately the GUI seems to be only in English, all the fancy features like WLAN 802.11n (300 Mbit/s), DECT-GAP Base Station and SIP Registrar server should however outweight this limitation.

by Marc
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SixXS support for the Fritz!Box

I recently tested the 6to4 IPv6 support in the latest AVM Firmware for Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7270. Now I tried to setup a tunnel to SixXS which failed during my first tests. The Fritz Box didn’t complain about the fact that my SixXS tunnel didn’t have any subnet allocated. Once a subnet was added to my tunnel, the Fritz!Box was able to setup the tunnel. I had my tunnel set to “6in4-heartbeat”, I haven’t tested “AYIYA”. I also found another IPv6 enabled website:, quite obvious at second view 😀