Marc's Blog

Things from me about me …

by Marc
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Number portability statistics for Luxembourg

In Luxembourg there is no central database for Number Portability, except for mobile numbers, therefor reliable statistics are not possible. While there exists a regulation from the national regulator filled under the number oo/36/ILT which specifies the procedures for number portability as defined in a separate document filled under the reference DOC/NP which explicitly requires that a successful portability must be reported to the regulator, some operators do not provide this information to the Regulator. Continue Reading →

by Marc

No Christmas update for international Fritz!Box models

AVM released a so-called Christmas update for the German versions of the Fritz!Box 7270 and 7240 models. The firmware version 54/74.04.80 brings much needed features:

  • stabilized DECT connectivity
  • listen to ongoing answering machine recordings, pickup calls from the voicemail service
  • possibility to change call forwarding settings via DECT phones
  • optimized MOS value for voice calls
  • SAMBA/FTP share passwords can now have up to 32 characters

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by Marc

How WordPress 2.9 shut down my blog

With WordPress 2.9 came a new RSS reader which broke my blog completely. I have not got time for a view into the code, but from what I found, it seems that the RSS reader in WordPress 2.9 does not support HTTP 302 redirection. While the code handles errors, the error message output completely destroyed the theme used on my blog.

by Marc

The Federal republic of Germany got over 5 nonillion IPv6 addresses

The German Federal Ministry of Interior announced yesterday that RIPE has allocated a /26 IPv6 network to Germany. This are 5.070.602.400.912.917.605.986.812.821.504 (5 nonillion, 70 octillion, 602 septillion, 400 sextillion, 912 quintillion, 917 quadrillion, 605 trillion, 986 billion, 812 million, 821 thousand and 504) IP addresses distributed over 274.877.906.944 /64 IPv6 networks. Continue Reading →

by Marc

Limiting operational costs for assignee of 116xxx phone numbers for services of social value

In 2007 the European Commission introduced the pan-european national short codes 116xxx called “Harmonised service of social value”. Assignees of this type of numbers should be organization active in the social sector, so usually these are non-profit organizations. This causes an issue with another requirement of the 116xxx phone numbers, the calls to the phone numbers must be free of charge. In a usual situation this implies that the called party pays for the calls. In some countries the fees per minute payable for this type of calls is much higher than for normal calls, in Luxembourg the fee payable on interconnect links (inter operator fees) are more than 2 times higher. At the end this puts an enormous financial load on organizations which usually don’t have much revenue.

Several solutions to this issue are possible, I present some here but feel free to provide your comments.

  1. No changes
  2. Operators bear the costs of the call inside their own network
  3. Multi-Homing with free On-Net calls
  4. Multi-Homing with free interconnect termination and transit Continue Reading →